Halloween has Started on BlissScape!
Owner Tim posted on Oct 18th, 2024

Halloween Event

  • Halloween has started on BlissScape! Death is throwing is annual Halloween Party at his home

  • You can access the party via the Dark Portal next to Death north of ::home

  • I hear there’s some suspicious activity going on in at the party so you may want to hurry!

Other Bug Fixes and Adjustments

  • Group Ironmen can now use the BlissScape Postal Service to send items to other members of their Group Ironman Team

  • Zahur will now properly require/use Juju vials of water when making unfinished Juju potions

  • The Loose Railing in the Training Camp can now be squeezed through rather than just not existing (and messing up clipping sometimes)

  • Added a missing period in the Bug Buster title requirement text

  • Ashuelot Reis will no longer walk around in a Nex instance

  • Fixed a typo in the bank preset error when you no longer meet the requirements for some items

  • The PVP Bots in the wilderness now properly damage the player again

  • Fixed an inconsistency with capitalization with Juju potions

  • The failed to catch animation for Common Jadinkos now uses the correct Jadinko

  • Fixed an issue when crafting Summoning pouches with stackable tertiaries

  • If you’re too far away from your familiar without enough space for your familiar to teleport to you, it will now properly disappear until there’s space

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