Update Notes 01/16/25 - Bork!
Owner Tim posted on Jan 16th, 2025

Bork Has Been Summoned!

  • Bork, the big ork, can now be found inside his lair in the Chaos Tunnels.

  • Rather than making him a daily like Runescape, I’ve opted for the OSRS route of having boss keys required to kill him.

  • Boss keys can be dropped by any member of Bandos’ faction; goblins, ogres, orks, etc.

  • In addition, they can also be dropped by any monster while inside the Chaos Tunnels.

    • The rate of keys is 1/(1000 – combatLevel * 3) with a max drop-rate of 1/300

  • You can stack up as many keys as you’d like and use them all at once

  • Bork does drop his usual guaranteed drop of charms and gems, he also drops a variety of alchables, summoning supplies, a guaranteed hard clue scroll, and of course a pet!

    • His Ork legion also drop a rare augmenter for the Bork pet which can transform it into an Ork legion pet!

  • When checking ::drops bork keep in mind that he rolls the drop table 3 times per kill!

  • Bork is a solo-only instanced boss. He’s made a bit harder than Runescape, but is balanced for mid-tier gear.

Other Additions and Adjustments

  • Added the functionality of ::pets (petName) to the pets command

    • This allows you to search (you don’t need to type the full name) pets and spawn them immediately without needing to open the interface first

    • There’s a short delay between using this command to prevent spamming

    • You do not need to pick up your previous pet before calling a new one

  • The ::slayer (task) command will now remember your previous location from the last time you used ::slayer (task) (location) even after you complete the task and get it again

    • This persistence is dependent on each Slayer master – getting a task from a separate master counts as a different task.

    • It does persist through group and solo tasks together

    • This does not apply to ::slayer (monster) as that always sends you to the default location if no location is entered

  • The Chaos Tunnels are now all multi-combat areas and you may no longer set up a cannon within them – this is how it’s meant to be

  • The cost of Pit traps in Player Owned Houses has been increased by 10x to be consistent with the other builds on BlissScape

  • The Juju Mining potion effect and Mining boost from the Star sprite now both work when mining Rune essence

  • Trying to send mail to a player with their private off now specifies that their private may be off in the error message

  • Typing ::bugreport will now send you to the Discord server

  • The grace period for gaining the Lunar cape from dominion tower for Comp cape is now over


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where if you tried to withdraw a max cash stack at the same time you thieved some money it would cause your cash stack to be reset

    • Also added a check for all instances where items may overflow

  • Added a missing “to” to the Scroll of life ability text

  • Noxious gems will no longer go to Death’s inventory if you die while holding it

  • Items that cannot be cooked on your current cooking object, Fire, Range, or Iron Spit, will no longer show up when using the “Cook-at” option

  • Skeletons in the Skeletal Horde Dungeoneering boss will no longer spawn in front of already closed tunnels and the Divine Skinweaver now spawns in the correct spot

  • Fixed a spot where your character could get stuck on the crumbling wall obstacles in the Barbarian agility course

  • The ladders for the NE and NW towers in Pest Control now work properly

Update Notes 12/19/24 - Merry Christmas!
Owner Tim posted on Dec 19th, 2024

Christmas Event

  • Christmas has started on BlissScape! Santa may need your help again this year, so speak with him in the ::home bank to find out more!

Winter Sale

  • BlissScape's Winter Sale has also started! From now until the new year, enjoy 25% off everything in the shop!

Other Bug Fixes and Adjustments

  • Kree'arra will no longer sometimes push you into the north wall when inside an instanced area

  • The examine message for the Tiny ball of pure energy now has the number of Impure essences exchanged formatted

  • The message after completing a random even now includes a period

  • The A/An in the game-message when your inventory is full and an item drops to the floor is now correctly capitalized

  • Your reward from the Fight Kiln will now be dropped outside of the instance if your inventory is too full to hold it when the kiln is completed

  • Fixed an issue preventing per-player daily votes from being tracked for the 14 per day limit

  • The Slayer Beacon no longer interrupts Strykewyrms' animation when popping out of the ground

  • Debuffing the DPS dummy will no longer persist through resetting the dummy

  • The wilted common Jadinko Marasamaw plant will now properly have you reset it back to the correct spot

  • Icefiends on Ice Mountain no longer act like Godwars faction NPCs

  • You can no longer cast Alchemy spells on degraded items

  • Removed some unused drop data from Dungeoneering versions of NPCs to avoid them showing up in the ::whatdrops command

  • Fixed an instance where you could bypass the Player Owned House butler's inventory limit

  • Cyrisus should no longer start walking after creating his shield

  • Animated Armor in the Warriors' guild will no longer be aggressive towards other players if the person who summoned it leaves the area

Halloween has Started on BlissScape!
Owner Tim posted on Oct 18th, 2024

Halloween Event

  • Halloween has started on BlissScape! Death is throwing is annual Halloween Party at his home

  • You can access the party via the Dark Portal next to Death north of ::home

  • I hear there’s some suspicious activity going on in at the party so you may want to hurry!

Other Bug Fixes and Adjustments

  • Group Ironmen can now use the BlissScape Postal Service to send items to other members of their Group Ironman Team

  • Zahur will now properly require/use Juju vials of water when making unfinished Juju potions

  • The Loose Railing in the Training Camp can now be squeezed through rather than just not existing (and messing up clipping sometimes)

  • Added a missing period in the Bug Buster title requirement text

  • Ashuelot Reis will no longer walk around in a Nex instance

  • Fixed a typo in the bank preset error when you no longer meet the requirements for some items

  • The PVP Bots in the wilderness now properly damage the player again

  • Fixed an inconsistency with capitalization with Juju potions

  • The failed to catch animation for Common Jadinkos now uses the correct Jadinko

  • Fixed an issue when crafting Summoning pouches with stackable tertiaries

  • If you’re too far away from your familiar without enough space for your familiar to teleport to you, it will now properly disappear until there’s space

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