Update Notes 7/16/24 - Juju Potions and BlissScape's Birthday!
Owner Tim posted on Jul 16th, 2024

Today is BlissScape’s Birthday and the Summer sale has started! Check the Anniversary Post below this one for more on that!


  • All Juju Potions have now been added; they all last for 5 minutes except Hunter, which lasts for 10

  • Juju potion effects can be stacked up to 30 minutes by drinking more doses

  • There’s an additional option for Juju status effects being shown under the minimap in the ::settings menu

  • You can now farm Vine herbs in Herblore habitat

    • You can buy seeds from Papa Mambo or find them while hunting Jadinkos

    • There are two Vine herb patches, one on the east island and one in the center area where the fruit tree usually is

      • This fruit tree is located in the Super donator zone

    • You cannot farm normal herbs in Vine herb patches or vice versa

    • Other than that, they are farmed just like standard herbs

  • You can now hunt Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak Jadinkos to the south of Herblore habitat

    • You must be under the effects of a Juju Hunter potion to catch them

  • The potions have been adjusted; these changes are updated in the Herblore skills guide:

    • Juju Hunter: 

      • Erzille & withered vine

      • Allows you to catch God Jadinkos and increases the catch rate of all Jadinkos

      • These are drunk, unlike real Runescape

    • Scentless potion

      • Argway & withered vine

      • Improves the catch rate of all traps

      • Stacks with bait and Juju Hunter potions

    • Juju Farming: 

      • Ugune & draconic vine

      • Gives you a ⅓ chance to receive two herbs from each herb harvest

    • Juju Cooking:

      • Shengo & withered vine

      • Currently no use

    • Juju Fishing:

      • Samaden & withered vine

      • Gives you a ⅓ chance to catch a Baron shark when fishing sharks

        • Baron sharks heal the same as normal sharks but also heal you for 10 life points every second for 10 seconds

        • Baron sharks are untradeable

    • Juju Woodcutting potion

      • Shengo & draconic vine

      • Gives you a 1/10 chance to summon a Wood spirit when chopping logs that will bank logs for you for 30 seconds after being summoned

    • Juju Mining potion

      • Samaden & draconic vine

      • Gives you a 1/10 chance to summon a Stone spirit when mining ore that will bank ores for you for 30 seconds after being summoned

    • Saradomin’s blessing

      • Samaden & Saradomin vine

      • Gives 10% bonus experience when harvesting Vine herbs

    • Guthix’s gift

      • Samaden & Guthix vine

      • Gives 10% bonus experience when crafting Juju potions

    • Zamorak’s favour

      • Samaden & Zamorak vine

      • Gives 10% bonus experience when hunting Jadinkos

  • Herblore Habitat now has its own teleport option in Hunter teleports

  • The cosmetic Runecrafter robes sold by Wizard Elriss can now be stored in the Magic wardrobe in the Player-owned house Costume room

  • The H.A.M. Hideout is now accessible and is filled with NPCs to pickpocket

  • Added a link to the BlissScape community wiki on the homepage of the website

  • The fire pit trap in the Player Owned House now works

  • Added a “Cook-at” option to ranges, stoves, and fires

    • It will show you everything you can cook and allow you to select which one you want


  • “::ghc” has been added as an alias for the Get Hit Chance command

  • You can now add an un-gilded version of a pickaxe to your toolbelt and overwrite a gilded version of the same type

    • The gilded version is lost in the process

  • Pets inside Player Owned Houses will no longer walk on top of each other

  • There is no longer a value limit for items being stored in Beast of Burden familiars

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where picking up a hunter trap while a huntable NPC is currently tracking it could duplicate the trap

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the setting up a hunter trap animation wouldn’t play when resetting a trap

  • You can no longer add pets to your Player Owned House Pet house without having the pet unlocked

  • Fixed an issue with Turael’s dialogue when getting an easier task

  • Going AFK while sitting in a chair will no longer keep you in the sitting animation

  • Brutal Green Dragons now properly attack at range

  • Many monsters that dropped a bugged version of a Tinderbox now drop the correct Tinderbox item

  • Fixed an issue where changing the number of ingots to smelt in the artisan’s workshop could sometimes get desynced with the actual value

  • The void ranger helm now properly hides your character hair when worn

  • Fixed an issue with the Sawmill operator’s dialogue for the first option

  • Accounts will now properly get kicked automatically if they’re AFK and you try and log in from a new location

  • The Hunting expert will now properly inform you of the number of Kingly implings you’ve caught

  • Some skilling pets that weren’t offering their level 99 skill cape perk before you reached level 120 now properly give their perk

  • Fixed an issue with the congratulations message after coming in first when completing a monthly challenge

  • You will now properly not receive another Ferocious ring while you’re already wearing one in Kuradal’s dungeon

  • Removing an object in the PoH that can also appear in other slots, like chairs in the Parlour, will no longer visually remove the other objects until you reload the house when just removing one of them

  • Dying in the QBD instance will now properly drop an extra items Death couldn’t hold outside the portal instead of into the void

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