Server Rules
All players on the server agree to follow these basic rules and accept any consequences for breaking them.

1. Offensive Language/Harassment: Adult language is allowed on the server, but offensive language such as slurs, racism, or harassment is not. Extreme words are filtered automatically; attempting to avoid this filter is not allowed. Harassing another player using chat or game-mechanics is not allowed. If you feel someone is harassing you, add them to your ignore list and report it - don’t harass them back, or you may both face consequences!

2. Spamming: Sending frequent unwanted messages in the Friends, Public chat, or status-messages, or starting unrealistic auctions is considered spamming. Players who log on the server just to troll and spam will be dealt with harshly.

3. Politics: Politics or political topics such as religion or other real-world issues are not allowed to be discussed on the server. This is BlissScape; those issues aren't relevant here and only cause unneeded arguments. If you wish to discuss politics, do it off-server.

4. Botting: Use of bots, macros, or scripts to give yourself an unfair advantage over other players is prohibited. Using a keyboard macro for a single command is acceptable, but anything beyond that is not, even if you’re still at the computer watching an auto-clicker. AHK is completely restricted. Any method of avoiding the AFK timer is considered macroing.

5. Real World Trading: Trading anything inside BlissScape, such as items or services, for anything outside of BlissScape, such as real-world currencies, other in-game currencies, or outside services, is considered Real World Trading and is prohibited. Offending accounts may be disabled without a refund. Purchases from the online shop can be traded in-game, such as points, ranks, and mystery boxes.

6. Account Sharing: Your account should just be your account and your account alone. You are not allowed to give away or trade your account or log on to another person's account to trade, train, kill a boss, play a mini-game, or any other reason. Doing so will get the account permanently disabled.

7. Scamming: Luring, bug-abuse, trust-trading, fast stake-rule, trade-item switching, or other forms of scamming is not allowed. Everything is logged. Willingly trading an item to another player, even just to let them 'borrow' it, is a fair and completed trade. We are not able to recover items gifted or lent to other players.

8. Bug Abuse: Taking advantage of an unintended game-mechanic or glitch like; duping items, avoiding restrictions, or getting to restricted areas, is considered bug abuse and is not allowed. Safe-spotting NPCs is fine as long as it doesn't require breaking one of its intended mechanics.

9. Attacking The Server: Attempting to purposefully hurt the server, its staff, or its members will result in your removal from the game/forums and discord. This includes threats, doxing, spreading hate for the server or members, or being a generally toxic member of the community. You clearly no longer care about the server or its members and have no right to play.

10. Listen to Staff Members: You are required to listen to staff members at all times, even if they are referring to something not listed in these rules. These rules are general and just because something is not listed does not mean it's allowed. Staff are an extension of these rules and the owner. If you do not listen, your account will be temporarily disabled until the situation can be dealt with. If you think a staff member is out of line, log out, and contact the owner about the situation immediately.

Staff reserves the right to change these rules at any time to adapt to the server. An announcement will be made if any rules change. By playing the server you are expected to know and agree to these rules.

Consequences for breaking these rules are handled on a case-by-case basis, and increase in severity based on how many offenses you have. To see the consqence guidelines staff uses, click here.

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